About Me

about me


Every person has their own unique story. Here's a glimpse of mine.
My name is Rosa Turner, I am currently completed the UNCC coding Bootcamp, and these are the phases that I have learned on this journey.
Foundation: The Foundation phase covers the fundamental concepts of web development, including front-end technologies, command-line fundamentals, and APIs.
Technique: The technical phase, I learned the necessary skills to design a complete full-stack web application. This includes working with servers, databases, and other back-end technologies and connecting them to the front-end.
Performance: The performance phase has a double meaning, as I learned how to optimize your web applications for speed and efficiency, as well as prepare for the transition in web development.
These are some of my skills:
HTML and CSS, Git, JavaScript, 3rd Party APIs (jQuery, Bootstrap), Server Side APIs, AJAX, and JSON, Node.js, Express Servers, MySQL, Computer Science, MongoDB and NoSQL, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), React.

You are welcome to click on some of my projects and well as visit my projects on Github! If you liked any of my projects do not hesitate to contact me!


first project grupal

Website - CATastrophic


Html & Css


Back-End Developer


Weather app


